

Vosylis, R., Melnikė, E., Sevalneva, D., & Erentaitė, R. (2023, August). Uncovering heterogeneity in math achievement trajectories in middle school during the Covid-19 pandemic. Oral presentation at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 28 August – 1 September, 2023 Turku, Finland.

Raižienė, S., Sevalneva, D., Erentaitė, R. (2022, November). What is the effect of emotional engagement and bullying on achievement gap: Multilevel analysis. Oral presentation at the 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, November 7-9, 2022, Seville, Spain.

Melnikė, E., Sevalneva, D. & Erentaitė, R. (2022, November). Links Between School Grades, Standardized Tests and Gender: Fairness of Assessment from Resilient Students’ Perspective. Oral presentation at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA- Europe). November 9-12, 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

Erentaitė, R., Vosylis, R., Sevalneva, D., Melnikė, E., Raižienė, S., & Daukantaitė, D. (2022, August). Profiles of academic motivation and performance in middle school: Links to student background and perceived teaching practices. Oral presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) conference, August 24-27, 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

Sevalneva, D., Erentaitė, R., Raižienė, S., & Vosylis, R. (2022, April). What is the best analytical strategy for identifying multiple school-level predictors of SES achievement gap? Poster presentation at the 13th international multilevel conference, April 12-13, 2022. Utrecht: Utrecht University.

Erentaitė, R., Vosylis, R., Morkevičius, V., Simonaitienė, B., & Žvaliauskas, G. (2021, September). Socio-economic gaps in achievement among students and schools in the context of rural-urban divide. Oral presentation at ECER 2021: Education and society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations, 2-3 September (ERC), 6-10 September (ECER) 2021, Geneva, online.

Melnikė, E., Raižienė, S., Sevalneva, D., & Erentaitė, R. (2021, September). Investigating Academic Resilience: What Could Help to Mitigate SES-related Achievement Inequalities. Oral presentation at ECER 2021: Education and society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations, 2-3 September (ERC), 6-10 September (ECER) 2021, Geneva, online.

Morkevičius, V., Erentaitė, R., Vosylis, R., Melnikė, E., Sevalneva, D., Raižienė, S., & Simonaiteinė, B. (2021, November). Measuring socio-economic status among middle school students: Does atypicality of responses matter for predicting academic achievement? Oral presentation at the AEA-Europe 2021: assessment for changing times: opportunities and challenges, 2-5 November, 2021, online.

Erentaitė R., Sevalneva D., Melnikė E., & Gudynas P. (2021, July ). NO ONE FIT FOR ALL: Different profiles of school functioning among the 8th grade students. Oral presentation at ISPA 2021: 42nd annual HYBRID conference of the International School Psychology Association “Working with schools & families to strengthen children”, 13-16 July, 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus.


NO-GAP projekto mokslininkų komanda 2022 m. spalio 31 d. – lapkričio 4 d. bei 2023 m. balandžio 4-6 d. lankėsi Cito B.V., Švietimo vertinimo institute, Nyderlanduose (toliau – CITO). Tai pasaulyje vieną iš pirmaujančių institucijų pagal mokymosi analitikos įrankių kūrimą ir jų taikymą švietimo būklės sisteminei stebėsenai. Vizitas į CITO buvo surengtas, siekiant projekto nariams gauti aukšto lygio ekspertines konsultavimo paslaugas vykdant prototipo kūrimo darbus bei susipažinti su gerosiomis praktikomis. Konsultavimo paslaugų trukmė buvo atitinkamai 32 ir 18 astronominių valandų.

Foto: projekto tyrėjai su CITO ekspertais (iš kairės): Vaidas Morkevičius, Nico Dieteren, Rasa Erentaitė, Eglė Melnikė, Bas Hemker, Daiva Sevalneva, Sanneke Schouwstra.